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ONDřEJ PřIBYL Photomonth_kropki_duze

Ondřej Přibyl, An Excerpt from the Catalogue of Works by Antonín Přibyl, 2004,
gelatin silver print, 30 x 40 cm





An Excerpt from the Catalogue of Works by Antonín Přibyl

The way in which Přibyl catalogues the works made by his ancestor Antonin Přibyl makes one think of ethnographic museum catalogues from the 1960s and 70s.
Who was Antonin Přibyl, the artist’s grandfather? An industrial designer or a man with a hobby, agile hands, and a manual imagination and vision? Every archaeological discovery leads to certain generalizations and interpretations, on the basis of which some qualities are seen as typical for an epoch, a tribe, or a settlement. Antonin Přibyl belonged to that majority of the Czechs who spent their time in their chatě, or their dachas outside the city.
It is, among other things, the phenomenon of chataření that Ondřej Přibyl describes (yes, spending one’s time at a dacha has come to have its own verbal noun in Czech). We can treat it as a synonym of the “analogue” way of spending time and the creativity that comes with this. It is worth adding that the technology Ondřej uses is entirely analogue-based and is one of the oldest photographic techniques. 
Ondřej Přibyl (born 1978, Prague)
Works mainly with photography. Always searching for appropriate techniques as means of expression – daguerreotype or classic gelatin silver as well as digital prints. Studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. His most important solo exhibitions were Traces/Edges (2006), Models of the World (2008) and Signs of Causality (2011). Lives and works in Prague.
An Excerpt from the Catalogue of Works by Antonín Přibyl
Curator: Marika Zamojska 
Galeria Wiatrak, ul. Łobzowska 6
Vernissage: 18.05.2013, 17:30 
Open: 18.05–16.06.2013; THU-SUN 10:00-18:00