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GHISLAIN DUSSART Photomonth_kropki_duze

Ghislain Dussart, Untitled, 1960s. Mixed media, 40 x 29,5 cm
Courtesy of Michael Fuchs Galerie GmbH






Ghislain Dussart photographed Brigitte Bardot from the very beginning of her career. They first met in 1953, when he was visiting the actress’s sister. Their acquaintance, which lasted for many years, resulted in the most famous pictures of Bardot – the icon of femininity. The photographs were published on an on-going basis in Paris Match magazine, and later in an album published with a preface by Françoise Sagan. 
Thanks to the exhibit hosted by MOCAK we have a chance to get to know a different, less classical image of the star, transformed by the imagination of her photographer. This project shows the distance between the artist’s personal attitude toward the actress and their joint efforts to create Brigitte Bardot’s public image. Dussart’s Collages, made from pictures taken in the 1960s on the French Riviera, shows Bardot and his other muses (including Anna Karina, his partner at the time) in situations taken from the most daring of fantasies – they are bound, crucified, whipped. Yet the women in the pictures do not appear unhappy or hurt; by acting in these unreal situations, they are instead conscious of their power. An atmosphere of play, not repression, envelops the whole project. These daring projects remained hidden for many years, and were publicly shown for the first time only after the author’s death.
Ghilsain Dussart (1924–1996)
Also known as Jicky Dussart, a French painter and photographer, whose favourite muse for many years was Brigitte Bardot. He worked for Paris Match magazine and took the photographs for the album Brigitte Bardot, racontée par Françoise Sagan, vue par Ghislain Dussart (1975).
Museum Of Contemporary Art Kraków, MOCAK
ul. Lipowa 4
Vernissage: 16.05.2013, 18:00
Open: 17.05–16.06; TUE–SUN 11:00–19:00
Easy access for the disabled.
Ticket: 5 PLN / 10 PLN